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What sets you apart from other photographers?
Photography may seem simple but there is quite a lot of detail in the process of professional quality photography. 

Our photographers take a very detailed approach when planning for a shoot, its quite similar to Video Production.
If you are already an established brand we look into your current colour pallet, look & feel and design. Also research is conducted from your social media platforms so we can portray your brand is its best light.
If you are a new brand or business we'd guide you in the right direction by inviting you to take part in a creative process workshop. This allows us to gather information on your brand so we can portray you in the best way first time around.
This workshop is for you to keep and gives you a detailed design brief for your new company if you wish to take business someplace else. Once the pre-shoot stages are completed we will schedule a shoot date.

The shooting process is where we gather thousands of images using different lighting techniques and photo styles to capture your brand. This is often referred to being the 'most fun' as its where we like to get you involved in the shoot. 

Finally editing is where everything is refined, our skilled photographers are extremely versed in Photoshop and Lightroom. 
All pre-production plans are taken into account when polishing your final product, in most cases its not just a handful of images you will receive. A multitude of high resolution images mixed with social media friendly JPEG's. These images are handed over as ready to go content, we can also implement the final products into a campaign for you!


Why should I pay a photographer when I have a good camera on my phone?
Well in some cases just using your phone is good enough but its all in perspective to the goal. Where technology has grown it leaves a short window where we can bring value to you, and luckily for you we have found it! There's only so much an iPhone and Instagram filters can get you, its always recommended to have a professional do what they do best and that is capture the moment.

So you are probably thinking how?
How can a photographer bring me more value than something free in my pocket. Where it is difficult to portray value to a customer, having someone else worry about shooting the content for you is one of the main benefits. In our social media marketing plans we organize a photographer to visit you once every two weeks to gather content to be rolled out over your social media campaigns. This is a great way for you to grow your business because you aren't worrying about what to post, what is content and how can I be more creative. Your 100% focused back on your business. 

How can a photographer make my life easier?

While you can sit and scroll through filters, our professional photographers plan the occasion and style of shoot, capture the moment, give you a custom colour look & feel and deliver high quality images. These images are able to be printed, displayed and have a high enough resolution to cover your whole website.


Be blown away by our unique creativity and different styles of photography on our automotive subjects. We combined a very unique touch to our automotive subjects and we bring you the best possible result you have ever seen!



Having photos for your product you would like to market is always a compulsory aspect, as people want to view what they are buying, we ensure to capture the best looking results of your products.



Whether your business has a product offering or a service, visual communication is a key element to engaging with your customers, clients and audience. Depending on the size and resources of your company, people will connect visually with your brand in a physical sense and also digitally. Photography is a large part of your visual identity and will contribute significantly to the impression people will make when viewing your marketing material, whether that’s in print or web. We strive for authentic and dynamic imagery that will help drive your customers to action.

Smiling Man in Suit


A small to large event requires a lot of planning for you to successfully create the outcome you desire, whether it be capturing certain highlights of the event or the people and the atmosphere they are surrounded in. Our team will ensure that every moment of the event that you have spent the long yards planning is captured from all angles. We offer a range of event coverage, from private corporate events, festivals, concerts and any other type of social events.

Gaming Event
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