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What's involved in video production?
Video production has three phases. It requires the most time but can generate the best results.

First phase is pre-production. Over a face to face meeting or conference call we discuss the details of your vision and how to create the most engaging content. We also discuss the look and feel of the video and the deliverable outcomes.
The pre-production phase includes; Planning shoots, story boarding, creating a content and distribution plan.


Phase two is production. This stage is where your project is formed. We have multiple operators, using the most up to date technology to produce the highest quality video. 4K capability is the standard now days and we can accommodate for higher if required. Lighting tech's and audio engineering supplied. 


Phase three is editing. This phase is where your project is born. We use all information taken from the pre-production phase and implement it into the final product, this includes; colour pallet, look and feel. Editing styles are based on the project requirements; eg. hype video editing style revolves around hard cuts and fast paced editing while showcasing the product creating engagement. While an educational video would have more of a slower paced editing style whilst keeping the audience engaged. 
Revisions are always welcomed and are one of the last steps in this process to give you the best product possible.




Why should I use your video production services?
Our video production services are very in-depth, we focus on getting you results. This is why we take pride in our pre-production plans, taking time to focus on the execution. Video production is also the most fun you can have, on set and watching your final product being born! Video has so much potential to form and finalize your brand identity, it allows you to create repour with your clients/customers and also allows you to accentuate your companies mission statement.


How do I know video production is for me?

Video production plans can be implemented at any stage in a business, its just up to you to decide how serious you are about your company/brand. Video is the most underrated and most effective marketing tool you can have in your arsenal. On first contact we will be able to figure out if video is what you need, and what style of video you require.


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